Golf vacations are becoming ever more popular. Golf lovers, who hate to give up the chance to swing a club and associate leisure with time spent communing with nature and the whimsical gods of golf, often plan their holidays around the chance to visit a foreign golf course. There are a number of travel agencies that have sprung up to help golf-loving vacationers arrange golf trips that revolve around the chance to play a particular course, or to fit in a round or two of golf at as many great golf courses as possible. If your upcoming vacation includes golf as a central feature, these tips can help you – and your family – enjoy your golf vacations more.
Check with the Airline About Your Clubs
Obviously, you’ll want to travel with your own clubs – your golf game just won’t be the same without them. If you’re traveling by car, that won’t be an issue, but if you’re heading to a different region or overseas to say, Scotland or Ireland, golf clubs will be part of your baggage.
Every airline has its own requirements about carrying golf clubs as baggage, though most of them are similar. In general, most airlines consider your golf bag – in a soft or hard-sided case – with a set of clubs, golf shoes and a box of golf balls – to be the equivalent of one checked bag. No matter how much you love your golf clubs, you’re not likely to find an airline that will let you take them on the plane with you as carry-on luggage, even if you pay for an extra seat for them. In most cases, the airline will only assume responsibility for keeping your clubs safe if they’re in a hard-sided case tagged with a regular luggage tag, so if you’re planning to take your clubs along on vacation, be sure to make the proper arrangements to get them there. Some ardent golfers, in fact, recommend shipping your golf clubs ahead of you to your hotel to ensure that they arrive at your destination on time and unscathed.
Let Your Travel Agent Book Your Tee Times for You
If your golf travel is taking you to an unfamiliar area, chances are that your plans include playing at a few of the big names in that region. There’s nothing wrong with playing top-rated courses – in fact, it’s one of the biggest reasons people take golf trips – but if you do only that you may miss out on some hidden gems that are only known locally. Travel agents who specialize in booking golf vacations often have connections and insight into the local golf market and may hook you up with a golf experience that will be one of the highlights of your vacation.
Finally, when you’re planning golf vacations, don’t forget that there are other things to do besides golf, especially if you’re taking the family or a spouse along. Take the time to research non-golfing activities to enjoy when there’s no golf to be had.
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